各城市交通、邮电及用电情况 (2009年)
Conditions of Transportation, Post and Telecommunications Services and Electricity Consumption (2009)
    City 民 用 汽 车 公路客运量 公路货运量 年末邮政局 国际互联网 电话用户数     全年用电量  
拥有量(万辆) (万人) (万吨) (所)数(处) 用户数(万户) (万户) 固定电话 移动电话 (万千瓦小时) #工业用电
Possession of Passenger Freight Number of Number of Number of 用 户 数 用 户 数 Annual for Industrial
Civil Vehicles Traffic of Traffic of Postal and Internet Telephones Number of Number of Electricity  
(10000 units) Highways Highways Offices (10000 (10000 Fixed Telephone Mobile Telephone Consumption  
  (10000 persons) (10000 tons) (unit) subscribers) Subscribers) Subscribers Subscribers (10000 kwh)  
城市合计 Total 470.69 70579 106530 369 295.70 2105.50 400.19 1705.31 9791292 8074452
石家庄市 Shijiazhuang 73.96 8795 13749 73 73.85 470.48 41.86 428.62 1270267 859736
承 德 市 Chengde 16.73 4280 4279 26 12.20 94.98 14.93 80.05 475837 420565
张家口市 Zhangjiakou 24.33 2574 3716 24 23.62 163.85 47.30 116.55 611354 477210
秦皇岛市 Qinhuangdao 23.47 1812 3608 38 30.20 134.33 33.06 101.27 719755 482861
唐 山 市 Tangshan 63.62 9868 22008 71 34.06 403.68 90.95 312.73 4247116 3980260
廊 坊 市 Langfang 42.09 4992 7751 23 13.04 103.06 31.84 71.22 295809 184537
保 定 市 Baoding 67.30 11938 11203 23 25.54 263.00 32.00 231.00 654786 498844
沧 州 市 Cangzhou 49.49 9167 12993 18 13.52 111.29 17.29 94.00 272506 180716
衡 水 市 Hengshui 22.79 1970 2748 16 9.59 86.20 27.73 58.47 206770 149099
邢 台 市 Xingtai 34.61 6137 7809 22 14.28 102.15 27.56 74.59 534610 447669
邯 郸 市 Handan 52.30 9046 16666 35 45.79 172.48 35.67 136.81 502482 392955
a) Possession of  Civil Vehicles of a city is the totals of civil  vihicles owned  by  residents of  the prefectural city,  i.e. residents  
of not only the municipall districts, but also the unties charged by the prefectural government. 
So do the data of  Passenger Traffic of Highways and  Freight Traffic of Highways.