Number of Graduates by Level and Type of School
  普通高等学校 普通中学   职业中学 普通小学
  (人) (万人)         (人) (万人)
    Regular Regular Senior Junior Vocational Primary
  Institutions Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Schools
Year of Higher Schools Schools Schools Schools (10000
  Education (10000     (person) persons)
  (person) persons)        
1990 22762 65.70 10.54 55.16 39780 82.56
1991 23406 58.75 9.78 48.97 38691 90.66
1992 23387 58.99 10.05 48.94 40252 96.91
1993 22130 63.02 10.53 52.49 45617 101.50
1994 27491 67.27 9.26 58.01 52576 108.04
1995 36388 75.35 66.50 8.84 57460 119.22
1996 41837 82.84 9.34 73.50 83979 121.62
1997 42234 97.24 11.33 85.91 97938 124.72
1998 40562 116.52 14.06 102.46 114501 132.68
1999 39606 124.61 15.82 108.79 133644 144.52
2000 41255 131.42 18.16 113.42 151104 154.93
2001 15871 137.08 21.28 115.80 147822 153.78
2002 62910 147.54 23.48 124.06 123220 152.69
2003 107562 163.10 26.49 136.61 100617 145.92
2004 143148 173.06 31.87 141.19 100150 128.09
2005 183213 178.03 39.63 138.40 91352 117.46
2006 207566 178.09 45.06 133.03 114058 108.58
2007 228193 162.54 47.22 115.32 134110 93.54